Today we will be starting our rise... AS ONE. Today's leadership habit starts with the letter A! Today's habit is all about the word ASPIRE!! We will be going classroom to classroom delivering our brief ASPIRE message and delivering a pledge challenge!
Tonight's Challenge:
Participation Challenge!
The class with the highest number of students participating (getting logged in, making a share, or getting a pledge) will win DONUTS for their entire class!
Good luck!
We're looking forward to having another great day tomorrow with our new lesson Self Start!
We will continue our classroom rounds today, spreading our leadership message! Today's habit is all about understanding the importance of being a SELF STARTER!!! This habit is about knowing what gets us motivated to work hard. Self-starters take pride in the little things that help us reach success! We choose to use the spark to get us pumped up and excited each day to do our best!
Tonight's Challenge:
Biggest Jump! The class that makes the biggest jump in pledges tonight will earn their next poster prize! Good luck!
APEX FAQ - Hage Elementary
How To Make A Pledge!
As of today, we are halfway through our Apex leadership lessons! We learned all about habit #3 in coming together As One, which is to OWN IT! This habit is focused on being accountable for all of the things in our lives. True leaders uphold their responsibilities no matter what. It’s also important that we are accountable when we make mistakes. No matter the moment, we own it!
Challenge Winner:
Last night's Challenge winner is...... Coach Krogstad's Class! Congratulations!
Tonight's Challenge: The Epic Apex Raffle!
ANY act of participation (logging in, shares, or pledges) will count toward an entry into our raffle! There will be one lucky winner announced when we return on Monday! The raffle prize is an..... Epic Apex Mystery Basket!
As an added bonus, the teacher of the raffle winner will receive a Teacher Appreciation Basket! Great job, and good luck!
Event Day is almost in sight! Today the Apex team taught us habit #4 in becoming As One leaders - learning the importance of a new day. It’s all about having a fresh start each and every day. No matter what has happened in our past, we have a new chance each day to do something good! We have an opportunity to serve others, or even better ourselves!
Challenge Winner:
Last night's Challenge winner is.... Lynley Washington from Coach Gonzalez' class! Congratulations!
Tonight's Challenge: Share Challenge!
The class that collectively makes the most new shares tonight will win Dodgeball with Apex!